What does one have to do with the other? Well, when you read this phenomenal story, you’ll be ready to get your “eat on” at the Michigan Chicken Wing Festival where your ticket price will help people winning the fight against cancer and provide essential service to the underserved community of homelessness, disabled, and veterans, through the help of non-profit Against All Odds.

Shirley M. Carter Powell Founder and PresidentShirley M. Carter-Powell, Founder and PresidentBoth organizations can be attributed to the vision of Shirley M. Carter-Powell, founder and president whose motto is “Dare to Dream”. Her drive, passion and leadership has resulted in success from the start. She lives the concept of waking up and making your dreams a reality.

Carter-Powell always had the goal of retiring from corporate America by age fifty, but when she was diagnosed and then treated for breast cancer at the age of 39 in 1995, it became an opportunity to move forward in a new way. While undergoing treatment she started a daycare and a home baked sweet shop. Later in 1999 she founded Against All Odds and CJ Management, a sports management company with players in several countries. In 2013 she founded Phenomenal Entertainment booking, managing musicians and producing major events locally, nationally and international. As you can guess, Carter-Powell is also an amazing motivational speaker and coach. Just ask her sometime about her experience raising her very athletic sons or nurturing her grandchildren.

In 1996 she had another diagnosis of breast cancer and began to attend support groups and develop friendships with those in attendance. She says this was the beginning of realizing a dream to help people going through this experience. Carter-Powell formed and led a group named “Spill the Tea” where people would gather as a community. Attendees would write a topic on a slip of paper that they wanted to discuss and then put it into a tea pot for a drawing to identify the subject for the meeting. This group became the catalyst for her next level of support.

Carter-Powell started Against All Odds in 1999 for patients, families, significant others – anyone female or male that was impacted byAAO24th anniversary cancer. From the beginning, she has personally provided guidance to help them navigate the medical experience - explaining terminology in lay language, encouraging people to ask for explanations, and advocating they seek or change medical professional care at any time. Her 3 sons also actively helped people by sharing their stories about their experience as their Mother healed.

Realizing that more needed to be done, in 2001 Against All Odds began to offer financial assistance, when possible, for medication/services co-pays, and make-over assistance.  During the pandemic, she expanded the organization mission to provide essential items to the underserved community through Lillian’s Boutique named in honor of her Mother. Lillian’s is a free store in the Lansing Mall (Old Macy’s wing) where people can shop Monday - Wednesday, no appointment is needed (11 am - 2 pm), appointments available for Monday and Thursday evening (4:30 pm - 6:30 pm). For more information reach out to 

https://www.againstalloddsfoundation.com (contact page) or call 517-575-6696. With donor support, Against All Odds has also been able to provideaao2022 Festival Highlights other needed services including a backpack give-away for those in need – scheduled this year on August 19th at the Lansing Mall, main corridor, in front of JC Penny from 12 – 3pm. Recipients can pre-register to participate, walk-up accepted while supplies last. Other events like holiday activities, and women of vision luncheon are just some of the many ways Against All Odds is making a difference.

aao301682895_10218054830802098_7148133483581922309_n_-_Copy.jpgDonations are always needed and welcome. People can donate at http://www.againstalloddsfoundation.com/contact2.html

To find a way to gain more support for the work of Against All Odds, Carter-Powell founded the Michigan Chicken Wing Festival inducted into the Super Bowl of Chicken Wing Festivals in 2015. It’s a fun, tasty fundraising opportunity that everyone loves. 

People attending say it’s like a “staycation” with food, music, games, health and wellness pavilion, VIP beer and wine tent, 40+ vendors including food trucks, kids’ activities, pro-wrestling and more including the all-important chicken wing eating contest! Click on https://michiganchickenwingfestival.com/ for more information and tickets.

This year, the Michigan Chicken Wing Festival is being held at Adado Riverfront Park in Lansing on Sept. 2nd & 3rd from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m. Be sure to add it to your calendar!